Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 1: Operation Unpack

the new place!

It has already been almost a week at the new place! This being my 5th apartment in my almost 8 years in New York, I have learned a thing or two on how to keep life sane while moving.  Here are my top three tips!

(1) Make a detailed list of the contents of your moving boxes. 
It may seem tedious/overwhelming/unnecessary, but diligently numbering and logging what you pack in every box will pay off once you're sitting in your new place surrounded by cardboard boxes, looking for a coffee mug, or your favorite heels.  I also taped color-coded post-it notes to the outside of the boxes to designate what room each box belonged in, and when the movers were finished, I had four neat groupings of "Kitchen" "Living Room" "Bedroom" & "Bath" boxes.

(2) Purge before you pack.
This may seem like an obvious tip, but taking the extra minute to decide if you'll ever wear that sweater again, or if that novel really deserves a spot on your tiny bookshelf.  Go through your makeup and junk drawer.  Every little bit means one less box to unpack!

(3) Use small boxes for fragile items.
I had so much more to pack since I last moved from my little studio apartment, especially since getting married last year.  Casual and fine china (for 12), crystal wine glasses, highball and old fashioned glasses, and the list goes on.  Using small boxes (and lots of bubble wrap) kept everything very secure and the move was break free.

I still have a lot more to unpack, but the kitchen is 90% done, and all of the clothes are organized. I can't wait to start on the fun projects, like painting a few accent walls, arranging the bookshelves, and making my first gallery wall. I'm hoping by the end of April, everything will be in order, and the place will be ready for housewarming parties.  Fingers crossed!

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